“Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron” is an animated adventure film that tells the gripping story of a wild mustang named Spirit who embarks on a journey of self-discovery and freedom. This film blends stunning animation with a compelling narrative, capturing the spirit of the American West.
Release Date Spirit 2002
The film was released on May 24, 2002, and quickly garnered attention for its unique animation style and heartfelt storytelling.
Storyline Spirit 2002
Set in the 19th century, “Spirit” follows the life of a wild stallion who roams the vast American frontier. Born in the untamed wilderness, Spirit is the leader of his herd and fiercely protective of his territory. His life takes a dramatic turn when he is captured by a group of soldiers. Determined to escape, Spirit must navigate the challenges of captivity while yearning for freedom.
During his journey, Spirit encounters a young Lakota man named Little Creek, who helps him understand the bond between humans and animals. Together, they face various obstacles, including the soldiers who wish to tame Spirit and exploit his strength. The story beautifully illustrates themes of freedom, friendship, and the struggle against oppression, culminating in Spirit’s quest to return to his homeland.
ScreenShort Spirit 2002
Cast Spirit 2002
- Matt Damon as Spirit (Voice)
- James Cromwell as the Colonel (Voice)
- Daniel Studi as Little Creek (Voice)
- Cheryl Hines as the Horse (Voice)
- Brian Dennehy as the Narrator (Voice)
Crew Spirit 2002
- Director: Kelly Asbury and Lorna Cook
- Producer: Jeffrey Katzenberg
- Screenplay: John Fusco
- Music: Hans Zimmer and Bryan Adams
Watch Time Spirit 2002
The film has a runtime of approximately 83 minutes, making it a relatively short but impactful viewing experience.
Public Review Spirit 2002
Upon its release, “Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron” received mixed to positive reviews. Critics praised the film’s stunning visuals and emotional depth, while some noted that the pacing could be uneven. Audiences appreciated the film’s themes and the character of Spirit, often describing it as a heartfelt tale suitable for both children and adults. The soundtrack, featuring songs by Bryan Adams, was also highlighted for enhancing the emotional resonance of the story.
Overall, “Spirit” remains a beloved animated classic that continues to resonate with viewers, celebrating the spirit of freedom and the bond between humans and nature.